As the Seasons Change: Coping with S.A.D. 

By Ayrwyn Cousins  

Fall is upon us! It’s finally time for sweaters, Halloween candy, pumpkin spice, and horror movies! Fall can be a super fun season, however, there are some things to look out for– especially as a student.  Fall marks the beginning of colder weather, darker evenings, and longer nights. While some enjoy those aspects, it can become troublesome for others. Seasonal depression is a widespread issue that many people suffer from without even realizing it. There is hope though! As someone who suffers from seasonal depression, I have some personal tips that may help you through these cold months! Most people thrive in warmer weather. These colder months can induce a lot of stress in us, especially given that winter in Canada lasts so long. The added stress of being a student makes it even harder to cope. However, there are ways to combat seasonal depression. One thing I always do is leave my curtains open and allow the sunshine in (especially at noon - that is when the sun is the brightest). This can be especially helpful during those cold winter months. By allowing the sunlight in you can experience a bit of that warmth and a whole lot of sunshine!  

Some other things you can do to treat your seasonal depression are;  

  • Aromatherapy: Surprisingly, aromatherapy has been said to help lessen symptoms of depression and anxiety. Aromatherapy has therapeutic benefits as well - and I think every student would agree that we could all use some rest and relaxation. The essential oils are said to affect the part of the brain that is responsible for controlling moods and the body’s internal clock. 

  • Be more social: The cold temperatures and the dark can often influence people to remain indoors and avoid going outside - or seeing others. I have fallen victim to this mentality myself, but isolation will only make your seasonal depression worse. Seeing your friends and family can have a positive impact on your overall psyche. Go out and get some coffee or see a movie with a friend!  

  • Light from a box and dawn simulators: There are specific types of lights that you can purchase that are specifically designed to increase your overall mood and help with depression. Lightboxes are much brighter than normal lights and can be provided in different wavelengths. These lights are said to be helpful in lessening symptoms of seasonal depression. Dawn simulators are similar to alarm clocks - but instead of waking you up abruptly the light slowly increases just as the sun would. This can be especially helpful on those dark mornings during the winter. They have been said to be just as effective as light therapy!  

 Seasonal depression is no joke and can impact you in more ways than you realize. It is vital that everyone takes care of themselves and their mental health. As students, we have lots of stress and expectations that can add up. Make sure that you are communicating with friends and family about things that may be bothering you. CUE provides excellent counseling services for anyone in need. Remember, your mental health is just as important as your physical health. 


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