Coping With Stress

October seems like the month where we have so many assignments due, while dealing with exams that are coming up and exams finishing it can take a toll on our bodies and our mental health. We get stressed from finishing one exam but then jumping right into the next assignment which is due the next day. That pressure that we put on ourselves to succeed hurts our progression. We go to sleep at 2:00 AM and wake up at 8:00 AM because we were studying so late into the night. It is OK to take some time for yourself to recuperate, to be mentally sound and that’s the hardest thing for us as university students is to take time for ourselves. We get stressed easily from trying to manage everything around us. We may even procrastinate and push all the assignments away till the last day, hurting our chances of getting a successful grade. University is hard and we make it harder on ourselves if we fail, sometimes we have to fail to succeed and sometimes those failures may bring upon a sense of realization. We may be doing school for home but just for you to know you are not alone, there are so many other students going through what you are currently going through right now and we can all relate. This is a time for us as individuals to step up to improve our mental health and how we deal with stress even if we can’t socialize with the world. Stress is something we all have and it is okay, as long as we learn how to cope with it.
Here are ways for you to take care of your stress levels:

  1. Manage your time
    Sometimes you need to look at your schedule and re-evaluate what you have been spending most of your time on. This can be difficult in terms of looking at how we spend our days and if we were to game plan how we spend our days, it can show more efficiency and lower stress levels.

  2. Exercise
    We have to exercise our body and our mind. Exercise can be a fun way to refresh your mind, allowing you to relax and destress. Exercising the mind seems difficult but with a crossword, word puzzle, and a game of sudoku, it can really open your mind.

  3. Stop procrastinating
    The hardest thing for us to ever do is stop procrastinating. Think about how many times you look at your phone instead of doing the work you should be doing. We all procrastinate when we are stressed. Sometimes it helps but other times we are left with unfinished business that ends up stacking itself onto the unaccomplished work we already have.

  4. Get a good night of sleep.
    Getting a good night’s rest will help when you are stressed. Sometimes it’s hard to get a full night’s sleep when you are constantly looking at your phone at night. With all the assignments that we undertake it might be hard to get a full night of sleep, but getting a full night rest can help deal with stress, and power naps can help to increase productivity.

  5. Take breaks regularly
    Breaks can help recharge you, it allows you to refocus and come back with a clear mind. Sometimes we don’t take those breaks and it isn’t benefiting our mental health. Breaks are what makes us human, even if your break consists of you meditating, listening to music or going for a walk, taking breaks can reduce a lot of stress.

  6. Listen to music
    We all listen to music, sometimes we should listen to it more. Music can be seen as a stress reliever because of its way of connecting with the individual. Listen to those classic music that bring you back, or music that makes you smile. Music is powerful in its own way, listening to calming music while you work can help you.

  7. Laugh
    Everyone has said that laughter is the best medicine, which is true! Laughing can reduce stress. Not taking everything too seriously can help you and the people who are around you. Laughing out loud helps the blood flow. Sometimes we are faced with difficult decisions, and sometimes those decisions we make are based on the amount of stress we have been going through. If you have any decisions to make,
    try sleeping on it first. Making a decision while stress can come back to bite you.

    The services that the school offers to students are a great resource. Here are some of the services below to help you with this or any upcoming semesters if you’re struggling in some classes, want to improve writing or just need some research resources:

    Library | Please refer students to the library page if they need assistance with research or other.

    Writing Centre | Currently online for Fall 2020, the Writing Centre is a free service that provides one-on-one writing consultations and tutoring for studies in English.

    Tutoring | Our tutors give individualized instruction in a field of study that they are
    knowledgeable or accredited in. They work one-on-one with you to help you understand your course material.

    Upcoming Cue Wellness events to look out for:
    October 1st to 31st: National Eating Disorder Information Center | Virtual campaign | this will be delivered virtually.

    October 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th 2020: 12pm to 12:30pm iRest Meditation Fridays at lunch for 30 minutes | This is done virtually.

    October 19th 2020: 12pm to 12:30pm Let’s Celebrate Fall Wellness Walk | this will be in person on the campus.

    Written by: Deborah Olawale


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