CSA By Election Profiles

Shannon Ross – CSU VP marketing
My name is Shannon Ross, and I am a third year Bachelor of Science student entering into my final year of my degree next fall. I have been heavily involved in the CUE community throughout my degree. I am currently a peer coach as well as CSU VP Marketing. As CSU VP Marketing for the 2020-2021 school year, I have learned an extensive amount about the CSU, and I have become familiar with all of the responsibilities of the CSU VP Marketing. I feel that my experience will assist me in improving the CSU’s marketing strategies next year. I have thoroughly enjoyed being part of the CSU this past year, and I would love to continue in this role. I firmly believe that my skills and experience will allow me to be successful in this position again next year, and I hope that you will consider voting for me.
Summary from speech:
– Experience in this position has shown Ross where she wants to improve for the next year.
– Shannon would like to look for different opportunities to expand the marketing.
– Ross would also want to have all advertising say that all students can attend the events.

Tia Schram – General Council Management Rep
My name is Tia Schram and I will be a fourth year management student returning to Concordia this fall. I would appreciate your consideration as I run for the management representative position. Between my two year commitment to the Concordia Management Union, involvement with the Bolt News, and dedication to Thunder athletics as an athlete on the women’s volleyball team, I believe I would be able to represent the management faculty in all its capacity as your management rep. I am a strong advocate for networking opportunities and professional development at any level and hope to bring more of these events to Concordia. I look forward to the election and getting to know all management students better this coming semester. 
Summary from Speech:
– Tia would like to represent a large body of students.
– She would like to introduce more networking opportunities on and off campus.
– Schram would also want to have more collaboration events with different clubs on campus.

 CMU VP Communications  
Hello Concordia! My name is Tia Schram and I am running for my third consecutive term as your VP Communications. I have been privileged to connect with management students through this role and hope to continue to do so in my fourth and final year at Concordia. Although I am in the marketing emphasis, I have a passion for communications which developed from my time on the CMU. I hope to bring more meaningful events to management students, as well as more networking and pre-professional development opportunities. I feel I would be a strong candidate for the VP Communications role and appreciate your consideration. 

Natasha Palichuk – CMU VP Marketing
I’m Natasha and I am running for the VP of Marketing for the Concordia Management Union. I am going into my fourth year as a double major in both marketing and leadership and I have been on the union already for two years! I want to give the students a voice on campus and make your years at Concordia the best they can be!

Jordan Bourbeau – CAU Vp Finance
Hello, my name is Jordan Bourbeau. I am a 3rd year Political Economy/Business student and will be running to represent you as the VP of Finance for the Arts Union. Some of my interests include mountain biking in the river valley, freestyle skiing, and outdoor hockey.  Despite my time spent at CUE, this is my first time becoming involved with the union. However, because of the comradery I’ve experienced with many of you at the school, I believe I will make a strong candidate for this position. Furthermore, my work experience in a management position has taught me valuable skills to lead with teamwork, confidence, and passion. I wish all my fellow students at CUE an amazing 2021-2022 semester and look forward to meeting you this fall!
Summary from Speech:
– Collaboration is important and would always take constructive feedback.
– Jordan has a background in economics.
– In Bourbeau’s personal work life, he has learned time management and other management qualities.

Amy Van Brabant – General Council Athletics rep
Hello everyone! I am Amy Van Brabant and I am running for the CSA Athletics Representative. I am a part of the women’s basketball team and have been for the past 3 years. I am also in my third year of a Bachelor of Science as a biology major and a music minor. During my time here at CUE, I have learned how to be a leader with my team. I hope to apply this in helping guide our student athletes and our institution working together as one. I want to ensure that the voice of athletics is heard in the CSA. I will work to support the needs of Concordia’s athletes and will be available to listen to any thoughts or concerns. I wish to help foster our athletics community at CUE and to have a great 2021/2022 season. Thank you for your consideration.
Summary from speech:
– Amy would like to make herself available to all students as often as she can.
– She would like to promote more for the athletes.
– She would finally like to be more proactive and to involve the CSA more.

Rowan Hanf – General Council Science Rep
Hey my name is Rowan Hanf! I am currently in my second year as a Biology Major/Psych minor, and I am running for Science Representative. In my free time I enjoy skiing, playing the piano and soccer. I have been involved on campus as a peer coach and as a VP for the Psychology Club for two years, and I would love the opportunity to become more involved! Outside of campus I am highly active in the community. The organizations and committees I have been a member of, some of which include the Stollery Children’s Hospital and the Kidney Foundation, have provided me with the experience to value the importance of teamwork and collaboration, to help foster and grow a common goal, to benefit and improve the well-being of those I am representing. 

As a science representative, I would ensure the advocacy of the students, develop supports that are pertinent to their needs, and to increase awareness and visibility throughout campus, in order for students to feel comfortable to voice their concerns. Looking forward to the potential opportunity to serve and represent you! 
Summary of Speech:
– Rowan would like to implement an open door policy so anyone can come and speak with her.
– Increasing accessibility to the students is something Rowan would like to implement.
– Hanf would also like to create opportunities for students to grow and create more events

Channie Mai – CSU VP Marketing
“Hi everyone! My name is Channie Mai and I am running for VP marketing. I was in the states a few years ago on a basketball scholarship. There, I got to shadow an orthopedic surgeon and now I aspire to be one. I decided to stay home and focus on my studies because I tore my ACL and meniscus. My hobbies are working out/body building, modifying my car, cooking, and baking bread. I work part time as a tire shop supervisor. Thanks for reading and hopefully I can be your VP marketer! “
Summary of Speech:
– With being involved in school has created a sense of discipline.
– Channie would like to create more community nights
– Mai would like to create more events

Renae Regal – General Council Athletics rep

Hi, my name is Renae Regal, I am a fourth year English major, looking to go into education in my third of athletic eligibility on the women’s volleyball team. I am running for the CSA Athletics Representative and I am extremely honored to have this opportunity to represent not only my team but my school as well. I am a hardworking, optimistic and energetic person who would love to have the ability to make positive changes in athletics at Concordia University. I am also extremely passionate about school and sports, therefore I already put 100% of my effort into my schooling and sports constantly and this would be another amazing project for me to be able to put all of my 100% into. I would like to dedicate my last three years to something at this school that is bigger than myself and has a large impact on many students.
Summary of Speech:
– Renae would like to ensure that the teams have good resources for mental health.
– She would ensure that the teams concerns and problems are heard and will bring those problems to the council meetings.
– Regal would finally want to work closely with the marketing team to get more coverage for the teams.

Written by: Sarah Cowan


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