Making Friends in Univeristy

University can be overwhelming. With thousands of students walking about, each dealing with their own personal situations, it can feel a bit daunting to befriend anyone. After all, they must all be so busy, right? Well as it turns out, making personal connections is actually significantly easier than one might initially think! Keep reading, and you might find some great advice on how to meet people that will help you get through the semester!

As you might have expected, one of the easiest places to make friends is through classes! Common ground and similar interests are perfect gateways for connection, so reaching out to people who are taking the same course as you just makes sense. Ask your classmate what their major is, why they are taking this course, if they enjoy it, etc. Not every course is exactly riveting, so making a friend or two might just make things more interesting. However, it is true that in certain classes, social interaction may not exactly be easy. Sometimes, you might have to go out of your way to approach someone when seeing them around the school. The cafeteria, Tegler hall, and the library are especially busy places where you can usually bet on finding at least one familiar face. Whether it’s by asking someone for help with a course, or pointing out that you liked something that they shared in the class, there are plenty of ways to kick off a conversation with a classmate, even if you have never actually spoken to them before. Now, of course, some of this is easier said than done. For some, it can be pretty daunting to just randomly walk up to someone and spark a conversation, especially if no prior interaction has been made. Some common concerns people have are that they might just come across as weird or bothersome to the person they are trying to talk to, or that the person would rather just be left alone. This fear might seem like reality at the moment, but when you actually think about it, it is very unlikely. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes: if you were being approached by someone from your class who just wanted to get to know you or ask a question, would you be upset? Probably not. People are often much more open-minded than you think, and if you wouldn’t be uncomfortable or annoyed if they approached you, then it makes sense to assume they would feel the same way about you. It is important to reach out to people whenever you can! Making friendships can not only make university more memorable but much less stressful as well! Push through any intrusive thoughts that might make you hesitant to meet new people, be confident and kind, and you should be met with little trouble.

By Remy Leke


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