Tips to Gain Confidence

By Ayrwyn Cousins

Confidence is really difficult to obtain, especially as a young adult. At this point in our lives, we are trying new things, and learning who we are. Furthermore, we are learning who we want to be. It is hard to lead with confidence because everything is so uncertain. Of course, many of us have a plan, or ideas as to where we would like to be in the coming years of our lives, but no one can say for certain where they are going to end up.

People often search for confidence in the things they do not have, or the things they are working for - which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, however, you should also try to find confidence in who you are right now, and draw pride and happiness from the things you have already done and accomplished. For instance, graduating high school, or completing your first year of university. You can even draw confidence from smaller things like waking up on time, getting a great grade on an assignment, handling a tough situation, etc. The list is limitless.

The important thing to remember is that we all have something to be confident about and that you should not be afraid to demonstrate your confidence. Many people misinterpret being confident as bragging or being vain when in reality, you are just sharing the things you are proud of. There is nothing wrong with holding your head high and feeling like you are on top of the world. Confidence is key to living a happy and fulfilled life.

It certainly is not easy to gain confidence, so here are some tips as to how you can do that! Compliment yourself on your achievements, and productivity. No matter how small or large a task or event is, you should always compliment yourself when you achieve/complete it. Wear the things you like, and furthermore: express yourself in a way that feels right to you. Whether it’s a haircut or a style choice, maybe it is makeup or some other cosmetic endeavour, do what feels right to you. These positive changes that help you express yourself can be so helpful in developing a stronger sense of confidence. Allow yourself to take risks and opportunities that come your way. Maybe they will not always work out, but even attempting these opportunities will add to your overall confidence. Hold your head high, and do not be afraid to speak up. If you are looking to make connections I highly recommend speaking with staff, and other higher-ups here at Concordia, and other places in your community. I have found that walking around with a confident stature and attitude draws people toward you, so if you are struggling with social interaction, this could really help! Having these conversations can add to your confidence as well.

Obtaining confidence is easier said than done, and it is likely something you will be working on for a long time, but working toward developing a stronger sense of confidence is a great idea, especially now that we are all in post-secondary. This is the time to discover who you are and to push boundaries. Every person has potential and it is so important to gain the confidence to pursue that potential in life.


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