Welcome to CUE!

By: Payton McKelvey

Welcome new CUE students, and welcome back to our wonderful returning students. In honor of a new school year starting and many new students arriving, I figured I would write about some of the quirks and fun activities CUE has to offer. If you’re reading this, then you’ve already discovered Concordia’s own Bolt News run by students for students. This is only one of the many delightful pieces of the puzzle that is Concordia University. I'm going to share some of my other favourites with you!

Starting with a classic and a school favourite, the downstairs library study space; this lovely space below the library is one of the coziest places to be and has the most comfortable booths and tables. Alot goes on in this space, so unless you are particularly good at studying and putting up with noise, I would suggest using the space as a hangout or lunch spot. Moving forward to our next fun and interesting thing about CUE, we have small growing stations all throughout the school! These stations are used to grow fresh greens, which are grown and harvested throughout the school year and brought to Tegler for students to take. Next up, we have the wonderful and inclusive Indigenous Knowledge and Research Centre. This centre is on the second floor of the AW building and is a great place to gain knowledge and learn all about Indigenous traditions; it is also a safe space for all Indigenous students, whether you are new or not. Our IKRC also holds many exciting events throughout the year, open to all students. Be sure to keep an eye out for those.

Moving on to something that is not as specific as what I've shared so far, but just as great and important to know about: the events thrown by our very own CSA and student groups. These events are constantly happening, put on by Concordia groups and are super fun for everyone, often involving food or helpful information. One of the best ways to keep up to date with school events is to check out the instagram of our CSA  and the many other groups we have here at CUE. If you don’t have instagram, the Concordia newsletter sent to each student's email usually has details about campus activities.

 If you’re interested in fun activities off campus and around the area, The Bolt News writers love to write about activities in the Edmonton area during the different months. If you still can’t find anything you are interested in, a quick Google search is always a good way of finding some fun events. As you can see, Concordia is big on putting on events by students, for students, filled with excitement. I highly recommend checking out at least one event this year, and who knows? Maybe you’ll meet some new people who will end up being lifelong friends. On behalf of myself and the Bolt News, welcome to CUE; I hope you really enjoy it here!


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