5 Tips for Surviving the Semester
Welcome back, CUE students! Whether you’re excited about the upcoming semester or dreading it,
we’re all in it together. Here are five helpful tips to set yourself up for success this fall, brought
to you by a fourth-year student.
1. Getting Organized
Whether it’s your first year or your last at university, getting organized is of utmost
importance. Depending on your preference, using an agenda or a calendar will allow you
to manage your time effectively. Read through the syllabus for the various classes on
your timetable and write down when assignments are due and exams will take place. This
will aid in diminishing anxiety and feeling overwhelmed.
2. Taking Care of Your Mental Health
Balance is key to setting yourself up for success this fall. Maintaining a good balance
between coursework and leisure time will benefit you tremendously in the long run.
While academics are very important, a good student is also able to recognize when they
need a break. Keep an eye on your friends and always provide support to those that are
3. Go to Office Hours & Attend your Lectures!
Showing up is the first step. Attending lectures gives you the opportunity to ask
immediate questions about expectations, assignments and class material. Likewise, office
hours are provided specifically for additional guidance. Spending one-on-one time and
getting acquainted with your professors not only makes the class more enjoyable, but gives
students an opportunity to take learning into their own hands. Using office hours to ask
questions or simply chat with your professor gives the impression that you care and want
to do well on the course. This also gives your professor the opportunity to get to know
you on a more personal level!
4. Setting Goals
Whether this is personal or has to do with your degree, exceptional students always set
goals for themselves. Think about what you’d like to achieve this year, and how to go
about it. Working towards academic, social or personal goals makes a student ambitious
and determined. Be specific about what it is you want to accomplish this term and go
after it!
5. Forming Relationships
One of the best parts of University is creating friendships with like-minded people. While
it may seem daunting, talking to someone sitting next to you in class is a great way to start. Making an effort to know your classmates provides a safe place to participate in
class discussions and further enriches your learning. These relationships are also beneficial
in terms of schoolwork, as a classmate can fill you in on any material you may have
missed. So join a club or an extracurricular this fall as creating friendships enhances your university experience, and personal growth and simply makes life brighter.
Victoria Gonzalez