We’re All a Little Lost Together: Words from a Freshman

University. This is what we’ve been waiting for right? Or, maybe not. Maybe you simply feel obligated, or you’re scared for any doors to close so you’re balancing a million classes and 5 jobs to keep as many open as you’re able to. It’s okay to take a second to breathe. Things will turn out okay, (I know it's cliche but I promise it will be). Now, why should you take my word for it? I am a first-year student after all.I didn’t want to write an article on “Your Guide to Success in University” or “How to Make Your University Experience a Great One”, I know not much more than any other new student in the building. If you need any advice like that, there are many sources available to find that information, rather than from someone who gets lost trying to find their first class every morning! Instead, I wanted to remind you that we’re all a little lost together, which is totally okay.       

I think the biggest piece of advice I could give in my limited university experience thus far is simply to reach out to people. I know, talking to people is scary. But even just saying “hi” to the person beside you in class. Who knows, it may just lead to a friendship that lasts a lifetime! Even if you don't click super well with the first people you talk to, putting yourself out there and getting to know people might just help you get through the first few months till you have your feet on the ground. I know this keeps getting pushed on everyone but, get involved! We are such a small university; having the opportunity to get involved and make connections is not something I would pass up. Even if you’re not ready to commit yourself to a club, come to events! Have fun! University doesn’t just have to be class, study till you pass out and then repeat. 

One other thing that’s important to mention is that getting overwhelmed and feeling some stress is normal and okay. That being said, I also want to make it clear that if it starts getting a little too hard to manage, you can’t stay focused in class, or you’re simply finding it too hard to stay on top of things: please remember, it’s okay to take a step back. It’s okay to take a day off work to watch tv, read, and fall asleep early, this was one of my biggest goals coming into university; learning to balance everything and finding some time to make sure I was doing okay overall. I highly recommend taking one day (however often is convenient and necessary for you), to spend with just you. Read, paint, colour, watch tv, and go get your hair done. Give yourself the space to take a break and recharge! I hope everyone has an incredible start to their year, good luck in all your classes.

Abigail Lashmar


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