Confidence: Book and Podcast Recommendations

By Victoria Gonzalez

What is confidence? Very broadly, it means to have faith in oneself. To trust one has the proper judgment, knowledge and abilities to manage the stressors of life. Confidence is a difficult thing to gain, one must take risks, do the right thing and take back control from previous insecurities and negative experiences. In order to find purpose and excitement in life we must look within. In search of wisdom, I typically turn to books and podcasts. Hearing or reading about someone else's journey can help anyone feel less alone. Here are some of my favourites…


The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz

The Four Agreements was recommended to me by a loved one, who enjoyed every bit of its

wisdom and always urged me to honour myself. This book is all about the ‘needless suffering’ we do throughout our lives. By laying out four simple agreements, Ruiz creates an incredibly

thought-provoking work all about seeing life more clearly. This book attempts to guide you to a happier state of living, one controlled by you and only you.

The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

Thanks to an epiphany, Gretchen Rubin decided to challenge and test the idea of happiness

throughout a year of her life. Her book outlines the adventures she takes, the books she reads, and the profound truths she encounters along the way. Rubin ponders and attempts to answer how we can look within for confidence, and simply reignite love and excitement for life. This is an easy read that takes interest in the human psyche and self-empowerment.

Ego Is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday

Drawing from history, literature and philosophy, Ryan Holiday explores the human condition,

specifically conquering one’s ego. Through redefining terms like success and purpose, this book

takes on a stoic approach to life and provides its readers with important lessons.


On Purpose with Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty is a widely recognized life-coach, podcaster and storyteller with so much knowledge to share. Covering topics like anxiety, self-love and productivity, Shetty emphasizes the importance of taking control over one’s life. In his podcast On Purpose, Shetty has various

conversations with celebrities and influential people in order to gain insight into their success.

Recommended Episodes:

2 Ways To Stop Anxious Thoughts & 3 Steps to Love Yourself and Build More


Selena Gomez On: Befriending Your Inner-Critic; How to Speak to Yourself With More


4 Mistakes we Make With Our Mindset & 4 Steps to Deepen Your Connection to Yourself

and Stop Listening to Others' Opinions

The Mel Robbins Podcast

Mel Robbins is a motivational speaker, known for her various books, YouTube videos and TEDx talk. Her podcast is filled with tips and tricks how to change your life for the better. Having first-hand experience with anxiety and mental illness, Robbins is the perfect person to confide in when it comes to gaining positivity, and confidence and becoming more fulfilled.

Recommended Episodes:

Toolkit for Building Unstoppable Confidence (According to Research)

Are You the Driver in Your Life or Just the Passenger?


Public Health and Safety: HPV


Settle For Reflection