Murder House, A Short Story 

By Israa Hussein  

Have you ever wondered what your house would say to you if it could talk, what would it do if it could learn from those that inhabit it? In a corner of a neighbourhood in the small town of Green Haven Village, there was a house that was once more innocent than a child. At that time, the house was new and exciting for its first family. In 1902, Mr. Nortan Delving moved in; the house would help Mr. Nortan in anything he wished, whether it was to set up dinner, assist in his injuries or shine and sharpen his knives and axes, normal stuff, right? The house learned from Mr. Nortan and at first, all seemed well and happy! In 1909 Mr. Delving was arrested and hanged for the murder of 13 people, When the police came and arrested him, the house was so distraught and thus naturally allowed Mr. Nortans spirit to stay in the home.  

Then in 1914, the house saw death and destruction everywhere. And yet, protected itself by using its magic to protect itself, as well as its best friend Norton’s spirit. Feeding Norton with new people, which the house was helping. By letting Norton kill. The house would provide safety to homeless men and women and children, give them food, and heal them, and at night Norton would help them to their rooms, and sharpen his axe and knives. First, they would play a game together, they would run from Norton, or try to hide and Norton would find them, and he would laugh a deep fruited laugh (the house loved to hear Mr. Delving's laugh.) Then he would help them, he would swing his axe as hard as he could through their heads, then the house would send the bodies off somewhere they could be at peace.  

In 1920 new people moved in! The house was so excited to, at last, have new friends and a new family. The house saw this couple live in such an odd manner. No games, no knives that needed sharpening or axe cleaning? The house asked what it could do? They laughed and asked for a nice warm fire, for a turkey dinner, and for a chance to paint the walls new colours. The house did as told until Norton reminded it who its real family was “I gave them a year, now let's play” these people were so funny when they played with Norton, they begged him not to play and said they had a child coming soon. “But children love to play?” thought the house and down went the axe on both their heads. Years and years went by until in 1950 a family finally moved in that Norton did not like! He smiled at them, but he never played with them. The house watched and asked why he did not want to play with this family.  

“Why would I? They are continuing my work even better than I” he laughed his laugh while the family laughed with him as they surrounded the daughter's new friend, whom she brought into the house with knives in each of their hands. The house’s family laughed together. And played some more.  


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