Spring Cleaning Routine

By Victoria Gonzalez

Ever since I was a little girl, my mother told me my room was a direct reflection of my mind. What she means is the environment we live in affects our health, mood and productivity. When we find ourselves buried in clutter, oftentimes that has to do with our emotional and psychological state. So, before we tackle final exams let us declutter our spaces and our minds together. I have provided a few tips and tricks with regard to Spring cleaning that I have found makes the process much more enjoyable!

Making a Checklist:

There is nothing more satisfying than checking things off on your To-Do list. Getting organized, setting reasonable goals and prioritizing the tasks that have been put off are all important factors in a successful Spring clean. Gather all of your supplies, start off with one task or room at a time

and slowly make your way through the list. Remember you do not have to complete everything in one sitting, you are less likely to burn out or lose motivation if tasks are spread out among 2-3 days. Getting started can be difficult, but simply identifying what needs to be done is the first step. When you have finally completed everything, it is so rewarding! Here are a couple of things on my personal checklist for inspiration:

- wipe down furniture

- dust bookshelf, blinds and other furniture

- change bedding

- vacuum the carpet

- closet and junk drawer clean-out


Getting off to a good start is key in making a big task seem less daunting. Whether that is listening to your favourite playlist, putting on a comfort show or listening to an audiobook or podcast, having something on in the background helps increase motivation and oftentimes productivity. Reward System:

One of the best ways to force yourself to do something undesirable is by setting up a reward system. One thing I always use is a timer; whether you set it for an hour or just a few minutes, do as much as you can before the time runs out and then give yourself a break. This particular time-management method helps increase productivity and can be especially useful for university students operating on busy schedules. I also use Spring cleaning as an opportunity to change up my surroundings. I reward myself by lighting candles and buying fresh flowers once I have finished to further cultivate a positive and relaxing environment.

Local Thrift Trip:

Give new life to your old books, clothes and home decor. After you have cleared out the things you no longer need, taking a trip to the thrift store is a reward in itself. Not only will you feel lighter, but you will be contributing to the community and doing something positive. The things that end up at the local thrift store have essentially been saved from ending up in the landfill. You will be clutter-free and at the same time, doing your part to decrease environmental damage and provide options for others!


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