The Beginning of Something New

By Mateo Urresta Garzon

As we know, we are near the end of the semester and saying farewell to a new one; I want you to take a moment to reflect on your memories of the journey you’ve shared with your friends, classmates, and yourself.

It’s hard to believe how much has changed since we started these years after the pandemic and all the situations the world and we have been through. We’ve experienced unprecedented challenges and uncertainties, yet we’ve persevered and accomplished so much; just think about it. Whether you’re a student, faculty or staff member, thank you for your hard work and dedication throughout this semester.

I know that has been far from easy. We’ve all had to navigate new learning modalities, health concerns, financial difficulties, and social isolation; I say it is my experience. But despite these obstacles, you’ve continued to learn, grow, and progress toward your personal goals.

As we look ahead to the next semester, I encourage you to approach it with optimism and determination. Remember that you can overcome challenges and achieve your dreams. Whether you’re pursuing a degree, conducting research, contributing to the community, or just doing an exchange program like me, your work matters; even the tiny things and steps you do make a difference, and the purpose is to keep moving forward.

To students, I want to say that I admire your resilience and dedication. You’ve had to adapt to remote learning, navigate new technologies and balance multiple responsibilities to new ways of studying and sacrifices to continue achieving your goals. But through it all, you’ve committed to your education and personal growth. Remember to take advantage of the resources and opportunities available to you and seek support and guidance when needed.

If you are a faculty and staff member, I want to express my appreciation for your creativity and dedication. You’ve had to reimagine how you teach, collaborate, and support students, which is not easy work that anyone could do. Your work has not gone unnoticed, and in the same way, I want you to thank yourselves for your tireless efforts to create a supportive and engaging learning environment. You are creating future graduates, engineers, artists, politicians, administrators, accountants, and leaders of tomorrow.

If you are reading this, I want to encourage you to stay connected and engaged. Reach out to your peers and colleagues. Take a break to do what you like best, travel, do a road trip, party, spend time with your friends, find your summer love, or just do whatever makes you happy. But don’t forget to get involved in community initiatives and social causes that align with your values. Remember that we are all part of a larger ecosystem and that our actions and choices can positively impact the world around us.

As we close this chapter and prepare for a new semester. I hope you have a summer filled with fun and many new memories. I hope to see you all the following semester.


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