Vision Boards in 2023

By Victoria Gonzalez

Happy New Year CUE students! 2023 is the year to invest in yourself, and make your goals a


One of my favorite things about the new year is crafting my vision board. I fill it with things that

inspire me— personal goals I want to accomplish, places I want to see, and traits I want to

embody. I’ve been making vision boards since I was little, taught by my mother, though she

refers to them as “Mapa de Deseos” which directly translates to “Wish Map” in English. While

the vision board is typically associated with the Law of Attraction, it is also an incredibly

therapeutic exercise. Whether you believe they work or not, there’s no better way to kick off the year than through self-reflection. Having a visual component to your desires and areas of

personal growth can be a powerful tool for your success.

What is it?

Vision boards are a personalized collage of images and quotes aimed at your goals and

aspirations. They allow you to think deeply about your desires for the upcoming year and piece

together the life you’d want to lead. After you’ve finished, it's important to place your board

somewhere you can see it each day and feel inspired. This is a fun activity to do with family

members, close friends, or simply on your own. Putting together images and quotes that motivate

you is a wonderful way to focus on dedicating time to yourself as the semester begins.

How to make one…

To get started, think about the following categories: finance, studies, relationships, career

, and personal growth. In which of these areas would you be looking to make changes or

improvements? Remember to be kind to yourself, and set goals that are reasonable with regard to your personal situation!

To make your vision board you will need a few materials that are easily accessible:

● poster board or corkboard

● old magazines

● images that inspire and motivate you

● adhesive: glue gun, tape, etc.

Ask yourself what goals you’d like to achieve and be specific! The best part is putting your

vision together. This activity is fun, meaningful, and completely personalized to your style –

whether you want your board to be colorful, scrap-book-like, or just plain and simple, the power

is in your hands! Glue the pictures and quotes on your board, add drawings, special messages,

stickers or whatever you please. Finally, place your board anywhere you are likely to see it

every day! Vision boards have always held a special place in my heart as they remind me of my mom. I love the idea of taking control, mapping out your desires, and being honest with yourself about what

you truly want to accomplish this year and where you are at now. Seeing all your goals, dreams

, and aspirations in one place is also genuinely satisfying. The hardest part is sitting down and

creating your resolutions for 2023 and the fun part is putting together this personalized work of

art. Investing time in your intentions and having a positive outlook on the upcoming year will be

worth your while!

Happy Crafting!


The Importance of Family

