
By Tegan Elliott

There was a whole hype for New Year’s. He supposed he could understand it, the whole ‘thing’ about “New Year, new you.” A whole new year; a whole new beginning. Three hundred sixty-five days to be better than the previous three hundred sixty-five. It was a time of beginnings, New Year’s. A time of resolutions and revelations. Fresh expectations. Everyone he knew always made a list of things for them to get done in the new year. Up their grades, go to the gym more, read more, write more, go out with friends more, talk to family more, and be more. Be better. It was always better, always more. He thought it was a good thing to want to make yourself better. It had to be stressful, putting all those goals down on paper and trying to hit every last one. It was hard enough for him to think far enough ahead to make any goals. They were usually vague too. Do this more, do that more. He was never one for New Year’s resolutions anyway. They were too stressful for him. He liked to live his life like this, taking it day by day. Leaning against the balcony railing, content to be alone in the comfort of his own home, watching the fireworks pop in the distance. They were beautiful, starbursts of amazing color, sparkling in the night. They were one of those things that you had to live in the moment to appreciate, fireworks. Living moment by moment. One day at a time, all three hundred sixty-five between the new year. No need to rush. Happy New Year to him.


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